Architects design structures and spaces mainly for people, for them to occupy for a duration of time in a regular or irregular basis. Propose a small built entity that is to promote an activity or a service to the local community of residents, visitors and tourists. The structure is not meant to be site specific because it is expected to be deployed in multiple locations in Noosa Hinterland. The Community Node is to be a small structural entity designed to promote and support an activity or service to anyone who may not know about a certain social issue, is aware but have never consciously engaged with it, or is already dealing with it but needs more support and encouragement. All Nodes must be publicly accessible, designed to invite and motivate anyone to participate and engage, and provide opportunities for them to communicate, share, and do something together to address the issue.
Within Australia, the growing rates of obesity pose risks to the health and well-being of all affected. Noosa Hinterland, also with high obesity rates, is however faced with a unique issue, being the very high cost of fresh food, combined with lower income communities.
Proposing a solution to alleviate this obstacle, this node takes a new perspective on the idea of communal gardening, connecting residents to create long term relationships. The design intervention begins with the process of teaching within the workshop spaces, where residents of all ages can be taught how to grow their own produce, within the gardening spaces, as well as facilitating the sharing of knowledge.
Equipped to be able to grow at home, this community node further encourages growers to do so and return to swap a range of goods with others. Fitted with many storage boxes, users are able to drop off and pick up food, or simply use the node as a central meeting space for more personal swapping and bartering.
When removed, it is hoped that this node will have made a life-long impact upon the communities of Noosa Hinterland. Educated in self-sufficiency and sustainability principals around food production, residents will be able to continue forward with the relationships they have formed with other like-minded members of the diverse community.